更新时间:2025-03-13 01:17:31 浏览次数:24 公司名称:焦作 豫信致诚机械设备有限公司
产品参数 | |
产品价格 | 电议 |
发货期限 | 电议 |
供货总量 | 电议 |
运费说明 | 电议 |
规格型号 | YXRG-15 (200) |
流量 | 2~85立方/小时 |
功率 | 1.5~35kw |
压力 | 1Mpa~2Mpa |
重量 | 60~2000kg |
水平输送能力 | 100m |
垂直输送 | 3~15m |
软管泵最大吸程 | 8m |
软管尺寸 | 按规格定制 |
设备类型 | 小型软管泵 |
设备用途 | 工业软管泵、输送软管泵 |
工作原理 | 滚轴挤压式循环往复 |
参考价格 | 5000~85000 |
耐腐蚀性输送性能 | 可输送 |
食品果酱输送性能 | 可升级为不锈钢型软管泵,食品级软管 |
其他行业应用 | 根据输送物质类型,定制设计加工 |
交货周期 | 小型软管泵现货,大型定制 |
付款方式 | 预付30%,剩余货到付清 |

豫信致诚机械设备有限公司致力于 四川德阳水渠成型机的研制、开发和推广工作,主要的产品有: 四川德阳水渠成型机等。 本公司 四川德阳水渠成型机产品在实际使用种经受了各种条件的考验,取得了满意的效果,赢得了客户的一致好评。 公司坚持“质量是生命、顾客是上帝、推陈出新、精益求精”的经营宗旨,严格按照 四川德阳水渠成型机行业标准或相关标准组织生产,质量监督检测手段先进,顺利通过ISO9001质量体系认证,我公司根据工程需要,提供设计,施工指导,售前、售中、售后服务。豫信致诚机械设备有限公司期待着与您的真诚合作,欢迎广大有识之士光临指导。
动力消耗少,可计量输出;易损件少,更换时间短;独特无密封结构,不会产生泄露;自吸能力强,可达8米;可正反向运转,具有自清理能力;压轴采用滚动摩擦,泵腔无需加油;结构简单,操作维修方便;出口压力 可达1.6Mpa;输送高粘度、高固含量、固体颗粒、纤维物质、及其他杂志等液物料,不会产生任何堵塞。
Less power consumption, accurate metering output; less wearing parts, short replacement time; unique non-sealed structure, no leakage; strong self-priming ability, up to 8 meters; can run forward and reverse, with self-cleaning ability; final shaft Rolling friction, no need to refuel the pump cavity; simple structure, convenient operation and maintenance; outlet pressure up to 1.6Mpa; conveying high viscosity, high solid content, solid particles, fibrous material, and other magazines and other liquid materials, without any blockage .
豫信致诚机械设备有限公司位于四川德阳市,是一家集 四川德阳水渠成型机科研、开发、制造、销售、出口为一体的现代化企业,公司多年来致力于 四川德阳水渠成型机的研发,现已成为 四川德阳水渠成型机业可信赖的制造公司。
豫信致诚机械设备有限公司自成立以来产品不断更新,并以先进的加工设备和精湛的工艺严格的检验测试,为客户提供好的产品而取得用户的一致好评, 四川德阳水渠成型机产品远销全国各地及国外,产品深受广大客户的好评,我们愿以好的 四川德阳水渠成型机产品,好的售后服务,竭诚为中外客商提供。
First of all, lets introduce the hose pump, which is also called peristaltic pump. In order to eliminate the danger of the pump body contaminating the fluid or the fluid contaminating the pump body, only the hose in contact with the medium in the entire pump device. In general, hose pumps use natural rubber hoses. The inner and outer layers are completely smooth natural rubber, the purpose of which is to prevent abrasion. It is suitable for mediums that are not corrosive but very abrasive, such as mud and inorganic substances. And generally suitable for fats, oils or oils, and organic chemicals. The inner layer is rubber, while the outer layer is natural rubber or composite rubber.
It is well known that when the hose pump is running, it is conveyed through a U-shaped rubber hose with elasticity. Today the editor needs to emphasize that the storage time of the hose should not be too long, and it is generally limited to one year. During the shutdown period, if the pump is equipped with a hose, if it is not used for a long time, the pump needs to be rotated every other month. So as not to press the roller for a long time at a certain position of the pump tube, it will weaken the resilience of the tube and affect its flow rate.